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Ema RTV EMA-RTV was founded in 1984 to promote the recognition and legalization of municipal radio stations created under with active community development as an aim. Twenty-five years later, EMA-RTV includes more than 100 associated municipalities with extensive experience in training, legal advice and production and distribution of programmes. EMA-RTV supplies 24 hours of radio programming daily by satellite in its Onda Local de Andalucía (OLA) service. In the television part of its operation, EMA-RTV began in 2000 to develop and strengthen its own approach and language in the production of programmes intended for local stations, for whom local content is increasingly necessary in facing up to its stated commitment to inform citizens.

Nowadays the Association supports multimedia municipal projects, embracing the arrival of new technology and making the most of its easy accessibility.

Municipal and community radio stations are to be found throughout Andalusia, with a strong listening in rural and metropolitan areas. Local public radio and television is an active agent for social promotion where it has audience penetration.

The presence of EMA-RTV in civic and institutional regional, national and international forums, conventions and congresses helps to reinforce communication projects at the local level and to design a new geography of local media. It is an investment in the development of the democratization of media and society.

EMA-RTV is committed to the strengthening of local radio stations as agents of the democratic process. EMA has developed its work in training and qualification, providing latest generation technologies, technical experts, trainers, computer specialists and communication experts for municipalities, which has made possible to provision of additional training for professionals of radio and television.

EMA-RTV's investment in multimedia is aimed at getting municipalities to keep pace with the possibilities of participation in the management of local media for the benefit of the society they represent. This local investment is linked to a global perspective, which follows from the Association's active presence in international movements and networks to share experience and defending the 'global commons' for development.

This active commitment to dialogue and reflection has been responsible for the organization of five international congresses from 1996 to 2005. In these events EMA-RTV has shared experiences and reflections on communication issues with experts from Europe and Latin-America.

Public, alternative and community radio and television stations have adopted a commitment to promoting a debate about communication policies and intercultural dialogue between different nations from the South and the North, as the only valid alternative for the recognition of the right to communication in a global society.

Historical references

Since 1996 EMA-RTV has established contacts with different international organizations concerned with communication. This strategy followed from the clear necessity to network, share experience and introduce the discourse of alternative media, as opposed to commercial media, to the global community. In this, AMARC (the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasterss), and above all its Latin-American chapter AMARC-ALC, has become our referent. EMA-RTV is member of AMARC and represents the interests of Latin-American networks of partners in European institutions.

EMA-RTV's work is very much appreciated in Latin-America nowadays thanks to its efforts in helping the development of democratization in the media, its legal advice, and its assistance in negotiations over the financing of projects.

EMA-RTV is pioneer of communication for development

The Andalusian organization is the only Spanish non-governmental organization which specializes in the field of communication for development. This results from its work in Andalusia and has strengthened its authority as a regional network for the distribution of programmes. The network aims to influence a region which has traditionally had little skill in the field of communication, with a level of development lower than other regions in the European Union. EMA-RTV works to correct this imbalance by its work in similar regions all over the world.

Funding and preferential assistance to less-favoured regions

EMA-RTV, as a non-profit organization, has directed its efforts to the raising of public and private funds for improving conditions of societies that suffer inequality, victims of the impoverishment caused by the global economic crisis and a market economy that pays little attention to local current economic trends, cultural differences and historical perspectives. The Latin-American world is full of such examples and has been a region where preferential activities have been undertaken by the international community.

EMA-RTV action is responsible for projects valued at more than a million and a half euros

The countries which are the focus of EMA-RTV's work are: Bolivia, Guatemala, El Salvador, Peru, Ecuador and Argentina. Networks and organizations from these countries have presented projects to EMA-RTV for bringing to different Spanish public organizations and private institutions. Since 1998 our work in this field has been on the increase and since 2000 the results of this joint effort have been apparent.

More than 1.100.000 euros in all have been obtained for the development of projects whose value is over 1.575.000 euros. Plans of radio training for communities, funding for the consciencization projects and the introduction of technical infrastructures have been the main results obtained.

European private finance companies work with EMA-RTV

EMA-RTV, jointly with other organizations, proposed as part of its work in international contacts the creation of a European Alliance of Communication for Development. This Alliance included private companies from Holland and Denmark such as CAF (Communication Assistance Foundation) and BMC (Baltic Media Center), two of the more prestigious specialist organizations in the communication field whose activities extend all over the world.

The Alliance made possible the mutual exchange of knowledge about project management and forthcoming projects, and identify for EMA-RTV common action and support that can be taken to assist projects with inadequate financing.

Association of Municipal and Communitarian Radio and Television stations of Andalusia (EMA-RTV).
Address: ITÁLICA, 1B, 1°. 41001 - SEVILLE (SPAIN).
Guillaume Buteau
TEL. +0034 954 56 47 13 FAX: +0034 954 56 06 60

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Ecomímesis. Strategic environmental agents is a company specialized in providing strategic advices on environmental issues. Its end purpose is to create synergies between the socio-economic agents, to get a more sustainable, equitable and respectful with our planet development of our society.

The term Ecomímesis refers to the study and simulation of the natural ecosystems' guiding values to improve their efficiency and to cut down the environment impacts. Propose as a solution to allow the sustainable human development the imitation of natural ecosystems.

The main aims pursued by the Ecomímesis' work are:

  • Developing participative strategies to tackle environmental problems with a critical vision and the solutions with a proactive attitude.
  • Increasing our society's environmental awareness, education and communication.
  • Participating and advising in the development of researches, programs and regulation to the sustainability.
  • Setting cooperation networks between the social and economic agents.

The Technical Directorate has specialists working teams in different fields such as: sustainable mobility, environmental education and communication, citizen participation, education, ecological economic, research and environmental management, coordination of environmental graduates.

We also have professionals from other fields like law, journalism, engineering, design and advertising, natural sciences, economic and sociology. This fact allows us to tackle in a multidisciplinary way the projects to look for more socially and environmentally, sustainable solutions.

In Ecomímesis we understand the need to concentrate efforts among the different specialists that can bring our vision or work towards a new environment culture, more respectful and ready to the changes that happen in our planet day a day.

Ecomímesis also develops and designs materials about environment and/or natural issues. A maximum for us is the rigorousness of our contents and the adaptation to the public.

The actions of environmental communication have been in Ecomímesis since the beginning. The line of environmental communication is very important because the information is essential to citizenship. Thus, Ecomímesis develops and assists in local radios, prepares articles for scientific and technical diffusion to university publications, appears in TV programmes, etc.